If you’re looking to cancel or refund your order for whatever reason, we're here to help! You are allowed to Cancel the Project by clicking on "Cancel Assignment" if you're not 100% satisfied with what is delivered, or if you think the requirements were not met.

Note that normally, problems can be resolved by communicating with the other party.
By canceling, you agree to allow HomeworkForYou to make appropriate decisions to resolve any conflicts arising from this cancellation.
Please note that the cost for arbitration/dispute resolution is fixed at 9% of the total project cost

Please note the following exceptions to our cancellation/refund policy:

The work was successfully delivered and there were no issues with the tutoring provided
The tutor's failure to deliver is due to your own fault (lack of communication and/or relevant documents/information to successfully complete the work)
You and the tutor had agreed that the work was satisfactory
You Released the Payment (by clicking on Complete Delivery. Once you click on Complete Delivery, you will no longer be able to dispute the project)

Should you wish to refund/cancel, click on "Cancel Assignment" on your project page, and we will endeavour to complete the cancellation within 14 business days. Or you can e-mail us at support@homeworkforyou.com to check in your status or let us know what your unique issue may be.