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Literature Review
Date Posted: 01/04/2024
Category: Health Care
Due Date: 04/04/2024
Willing to Pay: $15.00
Submit a Literature Review on 10 or more articles from evidence-based, peer reviewed journals and sources (I have attached the articles for you). Sources should represent most current evidence-based information. Majority of sources should be 5 years or younger. Sources 6 up to 10 years old, if there are no current literature is available must be approved by faculty. Literature review includes an analysis and synthesis of literature reviewed and identifies key themes. Reflections includes evidence-based interventions, outcomes measures, and application to project. Submit appendices G and H after references. This assignment is a minimum of 6 pages or more [5 pages minimum for the literature review, 1 page minimum for the reflection]. John Hopkins Appendices G and H Tools: Complete and submit: John Hopkins Appendix G 2022 (I have attached the template for you to complete) John Hopkins Appendix H 2022 (I have attached the template for you to complete) John Hopkins appendices G and H tools should be included in your appendix section. You must identify at least (10) ten minimum high quality, evidence-based literature from peer-reviewed, non-predatory sources that pertain to your project. Your project may require more than 10 sources. Literature Review (level 1 heading, centered) Introductory Paragraph which will include: State that lit review conducted Share each terms and data bases utilized Indicate number of articles selected for review/appraisal Identify key themes Key theme 1 (key theme used as level 2 heading, left justified) Share the evidence from the articles that support this key theme Key theme 2 (key theme used as level 2 heading, left justified) Share the evidence from the articles that support this key theme Reflection (level 1 heading, centered) Evidence-based intervention(s) Outcome measures/quality indicators selected Application to project (aim of the project is to enhance patient safety by improving scrub the hub compliance in the medical surgical unit at San Antonio Regional Hospsital.) References Appendix A: John Hopkins Appendix G Appendix B: John Hopkins Appendix H NOTE: Here is a website for you that has very clear step by step approach to a lit review that is current: https://www.scribbr.com/methodology/literature-review/
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