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Psychology research project
Date Posted: 19/04/2024
Category: Psychology
Due Date: 22/04/2024
Willing to Pay: $25.00
Research questions we are using are: Does physical and verbal abuse increase across ethnic groups during the COVID-19 pandemic as opposed to post pandemic? and Do young adults experience more verbal and physical abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic? Find 10 to 15+ or more peer-reviewed sources for your intro and discussions. title page intro Methodology results discussion please citations and all references from well supported sites. no plagiarism Final Research Report This assignment marks the culmination of the course. Here, you will submit a polished research report that extensively discusses your research study. This assignment is related to the following learning outcomes: Collect data to support the investigation of a research question and/or test a hypothesis. Analyze data consistent with a given research design. Interpret research findings to formulate recommendations and conclusions. Adhere to ethical guidelines and principles to complete a research project. Discuss the limitations of a research project and recommend future research. Report the research process, findings, and conclusions for a target audience. Please follow the instructions below. General Instructions: This assignment is to be completed in groups. Use Microsoft Word or a similar program to draft your research report. You may use your introduction and methodology sections from your research proposal. Utilize the feedback given by your Professor from your draft submission. There is no maximum page limit. Consult your Professor for help. See the rubric for maximum points. Final Research Report: Include an abstract after your title page that summarizes your entire study. The abstract should be a maximum of ½ page in length. Use your introduction and methodology section from your research proposal document. However, ensure that you update any changes made, including those suggested by the REB or your instructor, as applicable. Create a results section that discusses the specific findings. Your textbook may also help you in considering what to add for the results section. If statistical analysis is appropriate, please add this. Ensure that you include any graphs or tables as necessary. However, DO NOT insert your graphs or tables into the body of the results section. Your graphs and tables should be placed into appendices at the end of your report. You may refer the reader to your appendices. Ensure that your graphs and tables follow the guidelines outlined for the Data Collections Summary Assignment. Create a discussion section that discusses the findings of your study in the context of your studies research question, hypothesis, and/or objectives. Contrast your findings with others in the literature, and try to account for possible similarities or differences. Address the limitations to your study. Discuss how your findings may be applied to the world around you, and who should care. Finally, indicate what the next steps for this research would be, or what others could do to extend it. APA and References: Follow APA guidelines. You MUST provide references both in-text, and in a reference page at the end of the document. Failure to do so may result in issues related to academic integrity. Submission: Ensure that each group members name is on the title page. Only one group member is required to submit the assignment. The assignment should be uploaded to the appropriate assignment link in Blackboard. Will include previous work for references. can provide more if needed
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